By Department
Counseling and Family Sciences
Bryan Cafferky, PhD
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy — Kansas State University, 2015
- Meta-analysis
- Structural equation modeling
- Qualitative research
- Bowen family systems
- Family violence
- Military families
Brian J. Distelberg, PhD
PhD — Michigan State University, 2009
- Health
- Chronic illnesses
- Translational research
- Family systems
- Research methodologies
- Statistics
- Multivariate analysis
Elizabeth J. James, DMFT
Doctor of Marital and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2023
- Child and adolescent
- Pregnancy, prenatal, and postpartum depression
- Attachment and bonding
- Family systems
- Relationship issues
- Trauma and EMDR
- Neurodiversity/neurodivergence
- Behavioral issues
- DIR/Floortime and ABA
- Clinical supervision and mentorship
- Advancement of marriage and family therapy
- Person of the therapist
Zephon D. Lister, PhD
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2010
- Couples and chronic illness
- Medical family therapy/integrated behavioral health
- Religion and family functioning
- Global mental health
- Low dose interventions for acute and low resource settings
Lena Lopez Bradley, PhD
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2013
- Couples therapy
- At-risk youth
- Anger management
- Crisis intervention and trauma
- Clinical training and supervision
- School-based programs
- Mandated clients
- Program development
Michelle A. Minyard-Widmann, MS
MS, Child Life Development/Child Life — University of La Verne, 1995
- Child development
- Stress and coping in the hospital environment
- Grief and loss
- Program development
Shondel Mishaw, DMFT
DMFT, Marital and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2024
- Community mental health
- Self-of-the-therapist
- Clinical supervision and mentoring
- Needs assessment
Winetta A. Oloo, PhD
PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2006
- Recovery-oriented care
- Clinical supervision
- Adolescent and transitional-aged youth development
- Treating severe mental illness
Ashley Park, DMFT
DMFT, Marital and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2022
- Behavioral health integration
- Chronic illness
- Stress
- Grief and loss
- Attachment
- Self of the therapist
- Family systems
Nichola Ribadu, DMFT
Doctor of Marriage and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2008
- At-risk youth
- Group homes for at-risk youth
- Program development
- Staff development and trainings (group home, managed care, community mental health)
- Community mental health
- Professional mentoring
- Narrative therapy
- Diversity
- Self-of-therapist
Alisha Saavedra, MA
MA, Psychology (emphasis in Child Development) — California State University, San Bernardino, 2009
- Child development
- Stress and coping in the hospital environment
- Grief and loss
- Clinical training and supervision
Jacqueline M. Williams-Reade, PhD
PhD, Medical Family Therapy — East Carolina University, 2011
- Medical family therapy
- Adult and pediatric illness
- Palliative and hospice care
- Maternal mental health
- Burnout
- Grief and loss
- Qualitative research
- Women's professional development in academia
Monique E. Willis, PhD
PhD, Marital and Family Therapy — Loma Linda University, 2014
- Caregivers and chronic illness
- Intersectional justice, health equity, and wellness
- Person of the therapist and self-care
- Black and brown women's leadership in academia
- Qualitative research
Hector M. Betancourt
PhD, Psychology — University of California, Los Angeles, 1983
- Social, cultural, and health psychology
- Cognition (attribution)-emotion processes in interpersonal and inter-group behavior
- Role of culture in psychological processes and behavior
- Culture, diversity, and behavior in health and social issues
- Cultural and psychological factors in social inequities and health disparities
Maya Boustani
PhD, Psychology (Child and Adolescent Clinical Science) — Florida International University, 2016
- Child and adolescent evidence-based treatments
- Mental health prevention and promotion
- Community-based research
- Dissemination and implementation research
Kendal C. Boyd
PhD, Psychology — Fuller Theological Seminary Graduate School of Psychology, 1999
- Psychology of religion and spirituality
- Cognitive behavior therapy
Colleen A. Brenner
PhD, Psychology — University of Indiana, Bloomington, 2006
- Serious mental illness (focus on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder)
- Clinical neuropsychology
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Resiliency, self-efficacy, overall health, and well-being in serious mental illness
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
Patricia M. Flynn
PhD, Psychology — Loma Linda University, 2005
- Cultural and health psychology
- Health disparities and inequities
- Cultural and psychological factors in health behavior and outcome
- Cultural competence training in graduate medical education
- Implicit bias in patient-provider clinical interactions
Richard E. Hartman
PhD, Behavior, Brain and Cognition — Washington University, 2001
- Behavioral neuroscience with an emphasis on improving the brain's resiliency against neurodegenerative conditions (e.g., Alzheimer's, stroke, traumatic brain injury) via a variety of therapeutic strategies, but especially diet/nutrition
Grace J. Lee
PhD, Clinical Psychology — Fuller Theological Seminary Graduate School of Psychology, 2009
- Clinical neuropsychology
- Cognitive aging
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Neuroimaging correlates of cognition and behavior
Holly E. R. Morrell
PhD, Clinical Psychology — Texas Tech University, 2007
- Combustible cigarette use
- E-cigarette use
- Video game addiction
- Advanced multivariate analysis
Kelly R. Morton
PhD, Life-Span Developmental Psychology — Bowling Green State University, 1992
- Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), negative emotions, and physical health outcomes
- Stress and health
- Social support and health
- Religion and health
- Care quality in primary care
- Primary care psychology
- Dietary intake and morbidity and mortality
Aarti Nair
PhD, Neuropsychology — San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego, 2015
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Early-onset psychosis
- Neuroimaging
- Social cognition
- Translational neuroscience
- Pediatric neuropsychology
Cameron L. Neece
PhD, Clinical Psychology — University of California, Los Angeles, 2011
- Developmental psychology
- Childhood disorder (emphasis on intellectual disabilities, autism, and disruptive behavior disorders)
- Parenting and family processes
- Treatment outcome research (focus on mindfulness approaches)
David B. Newman
PhD, Social Psychology — University of Southern California, 2019
- Well-being
- Social psychology
- Personality psychology
- Health psychology
- Emotions
- Ecological Momentary Assessment
- Multilevel modeling
Bridgette J. Peteet
PhD, Clinical Psychology — University of Cincinnati, 2005
- Multicultural psychology
- Substance use prevention and intervention
- Health disparities and inequities
- Cultural consciousness/equity and inclusion training
Janet Sonne
PhD, Clinical Psychology — University of California, Los Angeles, 1981
- Ethical and legal issues in professional practice of clinical psychology (ethical/legal standards; ethical/legal decision-making; therapist misconduct)
- Interpersonal dynamics in the psychotherapy dyad
- Supervision/consultation
- Adult and child sexual abuse
- Adult and adolescent eating disorders
- Adult and adolescent suicide
Tori R. Van Dyk
PhD, Clinical Psychology — University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
- Pediatric health psychology
- Pediatric health behavior promotion and intervention
- Sleep
- Pediatric pain and headache/migraine
- Child and adolescent mental health
- Integrated behavioral health
David A. Vermeersch
PhD, Clinical Psychology — Brigham Young University, 1998
- Psychotherapy outcome
- Psychotherapy quality management
- Therapist effects on outcome
- Effects of therapist/patient feedback on outcome
- Reducing deterioration in psychotherapy
- Effectiveness and patient-focused research
- Outcome test construction
Social Work and Social Ecology
Qais Alemi, PhD
PhD, Social Policy and Social Research — Loma Linda University, 2013
- Psychosocial needs of populations affected by political violence
- Stigma, prejudice, racial, and religious discrimination
- Immigrant and refugee acculturation, adjustment, identity, and resiliency
- Mental health help-seeking behaviors
Kelly Baek, PhD
PhD, Social Policy and Social Research — Loma Linda University, 2018
- Mental health
- Culturally-sensitive interventions
- Program development and evaluation
- Community-based research
Monte Butler, PhD
PhD, Social Work — University of Utah, 2003
- Social work administration
- Medicare
Kimberly R. Freeman, PhD
PhD, Clinical Psychology — Loma Linda University, 1999
- Child mental health
- Assessment
- Childhood trauma
- Adolescent self-harm
- Community based wellness
Donna Gallup, EdD, MSW
Organizational Change and Leadership — University of Southern California, 2019
- Workforce development in human services, particularly with vulnerable populations
Talolo Lepale, MSW, MBA
Master of Social Work — Loma Linda University, 1999
Master of Business Administration — University of Redlands, 2003
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
- Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
- Individual psychotherapy
- Team building
- Psychosocial oncology
- Medical social work
- Working with adults and older adults
- Trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, and end-of-life
Susanne Montgomery, PhD
PhD, Health Behavior/EPI — University of Michigan, 1987
- Research design and analyses
- Translational research (clinical and applied)
- Community involved and based research
- Health disparities research
- Program evaluation and evaluation research
- Research design and analyses
- Translational research (clinical and applied)
- Community involved and based research
- Health disparities research
- Program evaluation and evaluation research
Gabriela Navarro, MSW, LCSW
MSW, Social Work — Loma Linda University, 2017
- Individual psychotherapy
- Medical social work
- Trauma, anxiety, depression, and end-of-life
- Adolescent mental health
- Domestic violence
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Motivational interviewing
- Trauma-focused cogntive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Larry Ortiz, PhD
PhD, Sociology — State University of New York, Buffalo, 1987
- Race and ethnic studies
- Critical theory
- Latino/a issues
- Community practice
- Program evaluation
- Social justice practice
Lynn Raine, PhD
PhD, Social Work — Smith College, 2019
- Mental health
- Trauma
- Psychodynamic therapy
- Latino/Latina therapy
- Social work education
Interdisciplinary Studies
Alex Dubov, PhD
PhD, Health Care Ethics — Duquesne University, 2017
- mHealth interventions
- Behavioral economics
- Medical decision-making
- Conjoint analysis
- HIV prevention
- Implementation science
Susanne B. Montgomery, PhD, MPH, MS
PhD, Health Behavior/EPI - University of Michigan, 1987
- Research design and analyses
- Translational research (clinical and applied)
- Community involved and based research
- Health disparities research