Homecoming 2025

Join us for online continuing education courses, a purposeful alumni walk, and many exciting Homecoming signature events!
Alumni Magazine

Browse our latest alumni magazine
Read about alumni Dr. Rhoda Smith, Dr. Michelle Karume, Dr. Tina Lincourt, and Dr. Debora Handojo—along with news and updates from SBH!
Read Now
Let us know if you...
- Have any feedback about what we can do for you.
- Would like to write for or submit content for our SBH alumni magazine, blog, or newsletter.
- Are interested in guest speaking for a class or conference.
- Would be willing to submit or be featured in a video about your time at LLU, your subsequent career, or another related topic.
Ways to Stay Connected
- Read our alumni magazine and blog.
- Sign up for our e-newsletter (and read archived issues).
- Attend our annual Homecoming event.
- Fill out our update form to refresh your contact information and/or share professional or personal updates that can be printed in our next alumni magazine.
- Let us know if you will be in the area and can drop by for a visit. We would love to see you and give you a small gift.
- Contribute to scholarships for current students.
- Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.
- Email us at llualumni.sbh@llu.edu.
Photo Archive
We'd love to include photos from your time at the School of Behavioral Health in our photo archive! To submit:
- Email photos to llualumni.sbh@llu.edu. If you have too many to email, let us know and we will provide you with an alternative submission method.
- To the best of your ability, please identify each person in each photo.
- Where possible, please also provide a brief description of each photo or group of related photos (what/where/when).
Photos are happily accepted from all alumni, current students, and current/former faculty and staff. Any questions may be directed to llualumni.sbh@llu.edu.
Note: Photographs will not be published in any capacity without the express permission of each living individual shown.
SBH Zoom Virtual Backgrounds
Counseling and Family Sciences
Social Work and Social Ecology
How to enable Zoom virtual backgrounds:
- While in a Zoom meeting, click the arrow next to the Start/Stop Video button.
- Click "Choose a virtual background..."
- Choose or upload the background you want to use, then click "Done."
SBH Phone Wallpapers
SBH Logo
Dr. Michelle Karume explains what the Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health means to her.