Dr. Kelly Morton

Professor, Psychology
Professor, Family Medicine, School of Medicine

Contact Information

Email kmorton@llu.edu
Phone 909-558-8721

Department of Psychology, Ste. 4 (upstairs)
Loma Linda University
11108 Anderson St., Loma Linda, CA  92350


  • PhD, Life-Span Developmental Psychology - Bowling Green State University, 1992
  • MA, General Experimental Psychology - Wake Forest University, 1985

Areas of Specialization

  • Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), negative emotions, and physical health outcomes
  • Stress and health
  • Social support and health
  • Religion and health
  • Care quality in primary care
  • Primary care psychology
  • Dietary intake and morbidity and mortality

Professional Memberships

  • North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
  • Society for Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM)
  • Adult Development and Aging (APA Division 20)
  • American Psychological Society (APS)
  • Western Psychological Association (WPA)
  • Psi Chi
  • Phi Kappa Phi

Recent Publications and Presentations


  • Nelson, V, Dubov, A., Morton, K.R., & Fraenkel, L. (2022). Using nominal group technique among resident physicians to identify key attributes of a burnout prevention program. PLoS ONE, 17(3). Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0264921.
  • Jaqua EE, Nguyen V, Morton K, Chin E, Brougher A, Dawes J. (2022). Improving Cervical Cancer Screening Rated at an Urban Federally Qualified Health Center Family Medicine Residency Clinic. The Permanente Journal. 
  • Morton, K. R., Lee, J. W., & Spencer-Hwang, R. (2021). Plant-based dietary intake moderates adverse childhood experiences association with early mortality in an older Adventist cohort. Journal of psychosomatic research,151, 110633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2021.110633 
  • Lee, G., Oda, K., Morton, K., Orlich, M., & Sabate, J. (2021). Egg intake moderates the rate of memory decline in healthy older adults. Journal of Nutritional Science, 10, E79. doi:10.1017/jns.2021.76
  • Clay, J., Morton, K.R., Franz, D., Jaqua, E., & Nguyen, V. (2021). Quality Improvement for Outpatient COVID-19 Infection Control. Cureus, 13(7): e16373. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.16373
  • Nelson, A., Moses, O., Rea, B., Morton, K., Shih, W., Alramadhan, F., & Singh P. (2021). Pilot Feasibility Study of Incorporating Whole Person Care Health Coaching into an Employee Wellness Program. Frontiers in Public Health, 8: 570458.  PMID: 33869121; DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.570458
  • Leibow MS, Lee JW, Morton KR. (2021). Exercise, Flourishing, and the Positivity Ratio in Seventh-day Adventists: A Prospective Study. American Journal of Health Promotion. 35(1):48-56. doi: 10.1177/0890117120930392. Epub 2020 Jun 17. PMID: 32545999.
  • Moses, O., Rea, B., Medina, E., Estevez, D., Gaio, J., Hubbard, M., Morton, K.R., & Singh, P.N. (2020). Participation in Workplace Smoking Cessation Program incentivized by lowering the cost of Health Care Coverage: Findings from the Loma Linda Health BREATHE Cohort. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 6(23). PMID: 32548360, DOI: 10.18332/tpc/118237
  • Tan, A., Morton, K.R., Lee, J., Hartman, R., & Lee, G. (2020). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms: Protective Effects of Dietary Flavonoids. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
  • Singh, P., Moses, O., Rea, B., Medina, E., Estevez, D., Gaio, J., Hubbard, M., Morton, K.R., & Job, J. (2020). Participation in Workplace Smoking Cessation Program incentivized by lowering the cost of Health Care Coverage: Findings from the Loma Linda Health BREATHE Cohort. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation.


  • Triplett, R., & Morton, K. (2023, April). A Longitudinal Examination of Gate Control Theory: The Pain and Mental Health Bidirectional Relationship. Poster to be presented at the 103rd Annual Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA.
  • Chu, E., Jaqua, E., Tran, M.L.N., Hanna, M., & Morton, K.R. (2023). Building a new geriatric medicine curriculum according to the 5Ms. Poster to be presented at the Loma Linda University Health School of Medicine Alumni Postgraduate Convention, Loma Linda, CA. 
  • Anderson, B.P. & Morton, K. (2023, April). Integrated behavioral healthcare for uncontrolled diabetes in an underserved patient population. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association 103rd Annual Convention Program at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside, CA.
  • Mejia, R., & Morton, K. R. (2023, April 7). Congregational Support Mediates the ACEs and Marital Quality Relationship. (Poster Presentation). Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Research Conference, Loma Linda, California.  
  • Eshai, K. Flynn, P. & Morton, K.R. (April 2023). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Comorbid Illness: Mediation by Dietary Polyphenol Intake. Presentation at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA. Student Travel Award Winner.
  • Eshai, K. & Morton, K.R. (April 2023). Dietary Polyphenol Intake and Memory Decline in Mid to Late Life. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA.
  • Mejia, R. Triplett, R., Eshai, K., & Morton, K.R. (2023). Religious coping as a moderator of the ACEs and negative marital quality relationship. Presentation at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA. Winner Dr. Steven Underleider Graduate Research Award.
  • Morton, K.R., Josemoan, S. Perales, T., Brenes, Z., & Birch, A. (2023). Psychology doctoral student burnout and self-care fair intervention. Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA.
  • Triplett, R. & Morton, K.R. (2023). A longitudinal examination of gate control theory:The pain and mental health bidirectional relationship. Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA.
  • Hanna, M., Morton, K.R., Franz, D., Jean, A., & Moore, C. Changing the pediatric obesity trend in an underserved FQHC family medicine residency clinic. Presentation at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, April, Tampa, FL.
  • Graber, S., Jaqua, E., Tran, M.L., Morton, K.R. (2023). The power of communication: Improving care coordination and continuity in an underserved FQHC-based PCMH. Presentation at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, April, Tampa, FL.
  • Simon, L., Morton, K.R., Ike, B., Genovez, M., Franz, D., & Lee, H. (2023). Improving health outcomes with screening and referrals for social determinants of health at an FQHC. Presentation at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, April, Tampa, FL.
  • Jaqua, E., Morton, K.R., Nguyen, V., Perkins, J. & Moore, C. (2023). Improving COVID-19 vaccination in an underserved FQHC: Resident physician and patient education. Presentation at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, April, Tampa, FL.
  • Eshai, K. & Morton, K.R. (March 2023). Adverse childhood experiences and anxiety mediated by spousal support. Poster presented at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine 91st Annual Postgraduate Convention in Loma Linda, CA. 
  • Eshai, K. & Morton, K.R. (March 2023). Adverse childhood experiences and anxiety mediated by optimism and self-esteem. Poster presented at the Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health 91st Annual Postgraduate Convention in Loma Linda, CA.
  • Anderson, B.P. & Morton, K. (2023, March). Integrated behavioral health for uncontrolled diabetes: A population management approach in a family medicine FQHC based residency clinic. Poster presented at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine 91st Annual Postgraduate Convention in Loma Linda, CA. 
  • Mejia, R. Eshai, K. & Morton, K.R. (2023, March). Physical and mental health outcomes after ACEs: Does marriage help? Poster presented at the Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health 91st Annual Postgraduate Convention in Loma Linda, CA.
  • Moore, C., Matshe, Z., Hanna, M., & Morton, K.R. (2023, March). Popping the pediatric obesity bubble with pop-ups. Poster presented at the Loma Linda University Health School of Medicine Alumni Postgraduate Convention, Loma Linda, CA. 
  • Graber S, Marquez K, Kang L, Tran M, Ladue T, Morton K, Franz D. (March 2023). Effects of patient education about primary care provider on continuity of care in a residency clinic. First place winner - Poster presented at: 2023 Loma Linda University School of Medicine 91st Annual Postgraduate Convention; Loma Linda, CA.
  • Moore, C., Perkins, P., Nguyen, V., Jaqua, E., Franz, D., & Morton, K.R. (2023, March). Optimizing COVID-19 Vaccination in an FQHC through Physician & Patient Education. Poster to be presented at the Loma Linda University Health School of Medicine Alumni Postgraduate Convention, Loma Linda, CA. 
  • Eshai, K., & Morton, K.R. (2022).  Adverse Childhood Experiences and Anxiety Mediated by Optimism and Self-Esteem.  Poster at the Western Psychological Association, Portland, Oregan. 
  • Eshai, K., & Morton, K.R. (2022).  Adverse Childhood Experiences and Anxiety Mediated by Spousal Support.  Poster at the Western Psychological Association, Portland, Oregan. 
  • Pan, V., Tangunan, C., Tran, M.L.N., Bhat, P., & Morton, K.R. (2022). Specialist referral and scheduling streamlining in a family medicine residency FQHC clinic. Poster presentation at the STFM conference on Practice Improvement, Savannah, GA.
  • Brenes, Z.W., Hammond, J.M., Franz, D. Morton, K.R. (2022, September). Improving family medicine resident confidence in recommending COVID-19 vaccination to the vaccine hesitant patient with motivational interviewing skills [poster presentation]. California Psychological Association Convention.
  • Genovez, M., Ike, B., Franz, D., Frey, S., Bauer, E., Simon, L., Lee, H.O., & Morton, K.R. (2022). Addressing Social Determinants of Health in a Federally Qualified Health Center. Poster presentation at the PREMIER: Program Research in Family Medicine Inland Empire Residencies Regional Research Competition, San Bernardino, CA, June 9.
  • Scherlie, N. Tangunan, C., Guthrie, W. Tran, M., Bhat, P., & Morton, K.R. (2022).  Communication is Key: Improving Care Coordination and Continuity in an Underserved FQHC-based PCMH.  Poster presentation at the PREMIER: Program Research in Family Medicine Inland Empire Residencies Regional Research Competition, San Bernardino, CA, June 9.
  • Jean, A., De Ranieri, M., Sonza, K., Rea, B., Hanna, M., & Morton, K.R. (2022). We’ve got something to talk about: Changing the pediatric obesity trend in an underserved FQHC.  Presentation at the PREMIER: Program Research in Family Medicine Inland Empire Residencies Regional Research Competition, San Bernardino, CA, June 9.
  • Perkins, J., Quan, L., Huang, B., Jaqua, E., Nguyen, V. & Morton, K. (2022). Improving COVID-19 Vaccination in an Underserved FQHC: Resident Physician and Patient Education. Poster presentation at the PREMIER: Program Research in Family Medicine Inland Empire Residencies Regional Research Competition, San Bernardino, CA, June 9.
  • Triplett, R., & Morton, K.R. (2022). The Effect of Drug Type and Pain Levels on Overall Mental Health.  Poster presentation at the Alumni Postgraduate Convention, Loma Linda University, March 6, Loma Linda, CA.
  • Triplett, R., Morton, K. (2021, August). Depression and Opioid Use Mediates the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pain. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual American Psychological Association Annual Conference.
  • Mock, A., Bermeo, W., Looi, S., Rabelhofer, A., Simon, L., & Morton, K. (2021). Quality improvement in enhancing communication between the discharge team and the primary care physician on a family medicine inpatient service. Presentation at the PREMIER Research Competition (Program Research in Family Medicine-Inland Empire Residency), June. 3rd Place winner.
  • Wendt, J., Simon, L., & Morton, K.R. (2021).  Utilizing best practice advisories, clinical workflow integration and inter-departmental collaboration to achieve chronic opioid therapy quality measures. Presentation at the PREMIER Research Competition (Program Research in Family Medicine-Inland Empire Residency), June.
  • Clay, J., Park, S., Looi, S., Franz, D., Morton, K.R, & Jaqua, E. (2021). COVID-19 clinic infection prevention: QI educational video intervention. Poster presentation at the PREMIER Research Competition (Program Research in Family Medicine-Inland Empire Residency), June.
  • Park S, Jaqua EE, Nguyen V, Hanna M, Morton K, Franz D, Looi S, Huang B. (2021). Opportunities to Improve the Rate of Influenza Vaccines for Pediatric Patients in a Federally Qualified Health Center. Poster presentation at the STFM Virtual Annual Conference. May. 
  • Triplett, R., Morton, K.R. (2021, April). Negative Religious Coping and Negative Social Support as Mediators between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depression. Poster presented at Virtual Western Psychological Association Annual Conference.
  • Park S, Huang B, Looi S, Jaqua EE, Nguyen V, Hanna M, Morton K, Franz D. “Strategies to Improve the Rate of Childhood Influenza Vaccine in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic”. Poster presentation at the Loma Linda University 89th Annual Postgraduate Convention – Loma Linda, CA. March 2021.
  • Rawal, B. M., Morton, K., Van Dyk, T. R. (2020, October 29-31). Insomnia as a Transdiagnostic Factor in Chronic Illnesses Treated in Primary Care: A Theoretical Model. Poster session presented at the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Rizk, M. M., Hanna, M., Roche, S., Elsen, K., Boostrom, G., Morton, K. (2020). Integrated Behavioral Heath to address Uncontrolled Diabetes in a Family Medicine FQHC Based Clinic. Poster presented online at the Society of Teacher of Family Medicine.
  • Hull, K. A., McClintock, J, & Morton, K. (2020). Can Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care help Decrease the use of Chronic Opioid Therapy? Paper presented at Western Psychological Association Convention, October, San Francisco, CA. October 2020.
  • Rice, D., Rizk, M., Chakos, A., Napan, J., & Morton, K., (2020, September). Integrated behavioral health to address chronic opioid therapy in a family medicine FQHC based clinic. Poster presented at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine virtual Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement.
  • Simon, L., Angkadjaja, W., Lee, H., Morton, K., & Chakos, A. (2020). Saving lives and satisfying laws with Naloxone. Poster presentation at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Spring Annual Conference, May, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Jaqua, E., Nguyen, V., Morton, K., Hanna, M., Brougher, A., Chin, E., & Dawes, J. (2020). Identifying Strategies to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening Rates in a Federally Qualified Health Center. Poster presentation at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, May, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Ezinwa, N. & Morton, K. (2020). Transforming the Physician Patient Relationship: Increasing Continuity through Resident Driven Quality Improvement Cycles.  Poster presentation at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, May, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Lee, H., Simon, L., Perry, M., Lam, C., & Morton, K. (2020). Improving Safety in Patients on Chronic Opioid Therapy with Rapid Cycle Quality Improvement Teams. Poster presentation at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Spring Annual Conference, May, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Chakos, A., Rice, D. Morton, K., & Lee, G. (2020). Depression as a Predictor of Memory Decline in Late Life: A Longitudinal Analysis. Poster Presentation at the Western Psychological Association, April, San Francisco, CA.
  • Chakos, A. & Morton, K. (2020). Forgiveness after Risky Family Exposure, Emotion Regulation, and Mental Health in Mid to Late Life. Poster Presentation at the Western Psychological Association, April, San Francisco, CA.
  • Rawal, B., Chakos, A, Van Dyk, T., & Morton, K. (2020). Adverse Childhood Experiences Predict Opioid Use with Sleep Quality as an Effect Moderator. Poster presentation at the Loma Linda University Alumni Postgraduate Convention, March, Loma Linda, CA.

Community Engagement

  • SAC Health Systems FQHC - Special Projects and Research Committee (2013-present)
Dr. Kelly Morton's flowers
Dr. Kelly Morton's flowers
I love camping, gardening, cooking and entertaining friends!