Emeritus Professor, Psychology
Contact Information
Email jsonne@llu.edu
Phone 909-214-4327
8941 Atlanta Ave., #132
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Faculty Research Lab
Topics in Professional Psychology Practice
The TIPPP Lab is designed to promote investigations in various areas relevant to the practice of clinical psychology through literature reviews, clinical practice manual development, and empirical studies.
Visit Lab WebsiteDegrees and Certifications
- PhD, Clinical Psychology - University of California, Los Angeles, 1981
- MA, Personality Psychology (Experimental) - University of California, Santa Barbara, 1976
- BA, Psychology - Stanford University, 1973
Areas of Specialization
- Ethical and legal issues in professional practice of clinical psychology (ethical/legal standards; ethical/legal decision-making; therapist misconduct)
- Interpersonal dynamics in the psychotherapy dyad
- Supervision/consultation
- Adult and child sexual abuse
- Adult and adolescent eating disorders
- Adult and adolescent suicide
Professional Licenses and Memberships
- California Licensed Psychologist, PSY 7826
- American Psychological Association
- Fellow of APA Division 42
- California Psychological Association
Recent Publications and Presentations
- Pope, K.S.; Chavez-Dueñas, N.Y.; Adames, H.Y.; Sonne, J.L.; & Greene, B.A. (2023). Speaking the unspoken: Breaking the silence, myths, and taboos that hurt therapists and patients. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
- Wu, K. & Sonne, J.L. (2021). Therapist boundary crossings in the digital age: Psychologists' practice frequencies and perceptions of ethicality. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(5), 419–428. https://doi.org/10.1037/pro0000406
- Sonne, J.L.; Chan, N.; Anspikian, A. M.; Lincourt, T.M.S.; Cosanella, T.M.; Young, S.G.; Heavin, B.; Kao, I.Y.; & Thornton, K. (2020). Interpretation problems with the BASC-3 SRP-A F Index for patients with Depressive Disorders: An initial analysis and proposal for future research. Psychological Assessment, 32(9), 896-901. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000916
- Sonne, J.L. & Weniger, J.L. (2018). Ethical clinical practice: Negotiating a whole lot of gray in a wise way. In Butcher, J.N., Hooley, J.M., & Kendall, P.C. (Eds.) APA handbook of psychopathology (pp. 729-749). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Triplett, R., Morrell, H. E. R., & Sonne, J. L. (2023, April 30). A re-examination of factors mediating the relationship between cyberbullying victimization and suicide attempts in a nationally representative adolescent sample. Poster presented at the 103rd Annual Western Psychological Association Convention, Riverside, CA.
- Handojo, D., & Sonne, J. (2021, April 28). Power dynamics in the dyadic therapeutic relationship. (Virtual conference poster presentation). Western Psychological Association 2021 Virtual Convention.
- Patel, N. D., & Sonne, J. L. (2020, August 6-9). Therapist recognition of a potential nonsexual multiple relationship: Variable frequencies and elusive predictors. (Poster presentation). American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.
- Raghani, P., Sonne, J., & Van Dyk, T. (2020, August 6-9). Insufficient sleep and onset of coronary artery disease: Race/ethnicity as a mediator. (Poster presentation). Minority Fellowship Program Achievement Awards, American Psychological Association Virtual Convention, Washington, D.C.
- Patel, N., & Sonne, J. (2020, April 23-26). Therapist and client factors that predict the recognition of a potential nonsexual multiple relationship. (Poster presentation). California Psychological Association Convention, Newport Beach, CA. [Conference cancelled].
- Wu, K., Sonne, J., Goldsmith, S. & Weniger, J. (2019, August). In-person and Internet-based nonsexual boundary crossings: Therapist ratings of ethicality and engagement. (Poster presentation.) Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Division 24 (Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology), Chicago, IL.