Professor, Psychology
Contact Information
Phone 909-558-7221
Department of Psychology
Loma Linda University, Central Building, Office 120
11130 Anderson St., Loma Linda, CA 92350
Faculty Research Lab
The Smoking Cessation and Prevention Laboratory
The Smoking Cessation and Prevention Laboratory investigates psychosocial predictors of vaping, cigarette smoking, and video game addiction.
Visit Lab Website
- PhD, Clinical Psychology - Texas Tech University, 2007
- MA, Psychology - Texas Tech University, 2004
Areas of Specialization
- Combustible cigarette use
- E-cigarette use
- Video game addiction
- Advanced multivariate analysis
Professional Licenses and Memberships
- Psychologist, State of California (PSY26774)
- Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology
- Golden Key National Honor Society
Recent Publications and Presentations
- Fenning, R. M., Neece, C. L., Sanner, C. M., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023). Efficacy and implementation of stress-reduction interventions for underserved families of autistic preschoolers across in-person and virtual modalities. Mindfulness. Advance online publication:
- Neece, C. L., Fenning, R. M., Morrell, H. E. R., & Benjamin, L. (2023). Comparative effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction and psychoeducational support on parenting stress in families of autistic preschoolers. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice. Advance online publication:
- Tran, D. D., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023). E-cigarette use: The effects of psychological vulnerabilities, perceptions, and intentions to use e-cigarettes. Psychological Reports. Advance online publication: doi: 10.1177/00332941231161277.
- Lee, H. J., Lee, K. L., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2022). Development and psychometric validation of a novel self-report measure of ICD-11 Gaming Disorder. Cyberpsychology, Social Networking, and Behavior, 25(10), 649-656.
- Tran, D. D., Herbozo, S., Stevens, S. D., Lee, H. J., Martinez, S. N., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2022). BMI as a moderator of the relationship between stigmatizing attitudes and smoking: An exploratory study. Journal of Substance Use, 1-7.
- Cosanella, T., Youkhaneh, N., Bennett, N., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2019). Demographic moderators of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and cigarette smoking. Substance Use and Misuse. Advance online publication:
- Tran, D. D., Morrell, H. E. R., Brown, W. N., & Lee, S. (2019). Religiosity, filial piety, and drinking in adolescence. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. Advance online publication:
- Hodgins, J., Greenberg, S. R., Ring, C., Lee, H. J., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, August). Factor structure of the Lee-Morrell Gaming Disorder Questionnaire across demographic groups. Poster to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Neece, C. N., Fenning, R. M., Sanner, C. M., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, May). Implementation and efficacy of stress-reduction interventions for parents of preschoolers with ASD across in-person and virtual modalities. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Autism Research, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Neece, C. N., Fenning, R. M., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, April). Stress-reduction interventions for parents of young children with autism: Results from the STEPS Project. Symposium presented at the 55th Gatlinburg Conference, Kansas City, MO.
- DeMercy, H., Brenner, C. A., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, April). Impairments in social functioning are predicted by cannabis use and schizotypy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, CA.
- Ring, C., Nicolas, D. M., Lee, H. J., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, April). Psychometric validation of measures of addiction and cognition adapted for video game use. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, CA.
- Ring, C., Nicolas, D. M., Lee, H. J., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, April). The relationship between loneliness and problematic video game use among an international sample. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, CA.
- Triplett, R., Sonne, J. S., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2023, April). A re-examination of factors mediating the relationship between cyberbullying victimization and suicide attempts in a nationally representative adolescent sample. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, CA.
- Aghbashian, D., Jalal, R., Gutierrez, H., Verma, N., Laulette, K., Morrell, H. E. R., Beardon, C., Karlsgodt, K., & Nair, A. (2023, February). Moderating impact of trauma on brain regions underlying social cognition in early onset psychosis. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, CA.
- Lee, H. J., Millham, B., Lee, K., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2021, August). Correlates of problematic gambling as correlates of problematic video game use. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
- Millham, B., Lee, K., Lee, H. J., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2021, April). Depression as a mediator between combat zone experience and substance abuse and dependence among veterans. Poster presented at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association.
- Bennet, N., Herbozo, S. M., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2019, August). Body dissatisfaction, verbal commentary, social influences, and cigarette smoking. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
- Cosanella, T., Morrell, H. E. R., Youkhaneh, N., & Bennett, N. (2019, April). Demographic moderators of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and cigarette smoking. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA.
- Martinez, S. N., Herbozo, S. M., Lee, H. J., Tran, D. D., & Morrell, H. E. R. (2019, April). Body dissatisfaction, perceived consequences of smoking, and weight control smoking. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA.
- Youkhaneh, N., Cosanella, T., Morrell, H. E. R., & Bennett, N. (2019, April). Adult sexual assault, adverse childhood experiences, and smoking outcomes among veterans. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA.