Patricia M. Flynn, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychology

Contact Information

Phone 909-558-7738

Department of Psychology
Loma Linda University, Central Building, Apt. 1
11130 Anderson St., Loma Linda, CA 92350


  • PhD, Psychology, Loma Linda University - 2005
  • MPH, Health Promotion and Education, Loma Linda University - 2008

Areas of Specialization

  • Cultural and health psychology
  • Health disparities and inequities
  • Cultural and psychological factors in health behavior and outcome
  • Cultural competence training in graduate medical education
  • Implicit bias in patient-provider clinical interactions

Current Research Projects

Professional Memberships

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
    • Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (APA Division 9)
    • Health Psychology (APA Division 38)
    • International Psychology (APA Division 52)
  • Western Psychological Association (WPA)
  • Association for Psychological Science (APS)
  • Interamerican Society of Psychology (SIP)
  • International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
  • Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM)

Recent Publications and Presentations


  • Ly, A., Flynn, P.M., & Betancourt, H. (2023). Cultural beliefs about diabetes-related social exclusion and diabetes distress impact self-care behaviors and HbA1c among patients with Type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
  • Gavaza, P., Rawal, B.M., & Flynn, P. M. (2023). An exploratory qualitative study of pharmacy student perspectives of implicit bias in pharmacy practice. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 15, 1, 43-51.
  • Salinas-Onate, N., Betancourt, H., Flynn, P. M., Baeza-Rivera, M. J., & Ortiz, M. (2022). Investigating psychological service utilization employing an integrative socio-structural, cultural, and behavioral framework. Professional Psychology Research and Practice.
  • Nance, C., Betancourt, H., & Flynn, P. M. (2022). The role of cultural beliefs and distress in adherence to recommended physical activity among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
  • Flynn, P.M., Betancourt, H., Emerson, N., Nunez, E., & Nance, C. (2020). Health professional cultural competence reduces the psychological and behavioral impact of negative healthcare encounters. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 26, 3, 271-279.


  • Flynn, P.M. (April, 2023). Implicit bias in healthcare: Medical student perceptions of the IAT, clinical interactions, and bias reduction strategies (Chair). Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association; Riverside, CA.
  • Li, D., Nicolas, D.M., & Flynn, P.M. (April, 2023). Medical students’ prior experiences of implicit bias in healthcare encounters. In P. Flynn (Chair) Implicit bias in healthcare: Medical student perceptions of the IAT, clinical interactions, and bias reduction strategies. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association; Riverside, CA.
  • Hoyt, C. & Flynn, P.M. (April, 2023). Employing bias reduction strategies in healthcare: Medical student perspectives. In P. Flynn (Chair) Implicit bias in healthcare: Medical student perceptions of the IAT, clinical interactions, and bias reduction strategies. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association; Riverside, CA.
  • Peteet, B., Flynn, P.M., Morton, K.R., & Robledo, E. (April, 2023). A pipeline program for training clinical psychology students to address mental health disparities in underserved primary care settings. Distinguished Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association; Riverside, CA.
  • Eshai, K., Flynn, P.M., Morton, K.M. (April, 2023). Childhood experiences and comorbid illness: Mediation by dietary polyphenol intake. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association; Riverside, CA.
  • Franz, D. Brenner, C., Rockwood, N., Flynn, P., & Hartman, R. (April, 2023). Metabolic predictors of inflammation over time in Schizophrenia. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association; Riverside, CA.
  • Kim, Y., Louis, C., McKenzie, K., Flynn, P., & Shannon, K. (March, 2023). Medical trainees' attributions for patient non-adherence to diabetes treatment in a low-income as compared to high income clinic and proposed solutions. Poster presented at the Loma Linda University Annual Postgraduate Convention; Loma Linda, CA.
  • Li, D., Feigin, A., Nicolas, D., & Flynn, P. (December, 2022). Bias in healthcare interactions and strategies to overcome bias. Poster presented at the 80th Annual Convention of the International Congress of Psychologists; Virtual Conference.
  • Ly, A. L., Nance, C. M., Flynn, P. M., & Betancourt, H. M. (May, 2022). Cultural beliefs and diabetes distress impact self-care behaviors and HbA1c among Latino patients with type 2 diabetes. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science; Chicago, IL.
  • Hoyt, C., Ly, A., Nance, C., Borecky, D., Flynn, P.M., & Betancourt, H. (Oct., 2020). A qualitative analysis of medical students’ experiences implementing bias reduction strategies in healthcare. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. 
  • Ly, A., Nance, C., Flynn, P.M. & Betancourt, H. (June, 2020). Familism alleviates diabetes distress and improves treatment adherence among Latino and Anglo Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Virtual Poster Showcase.

Community Engagement

  • Behavioral and Social Scientist Volunteer for SES Related Cancer Disparities, American Psychological Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009-2013)
  • Member, American Cancer Society Inland Empire Leadership Council (2008-2010)
  • Member, American Cancer Society Border Sierra Leadership Council (2008-2010)
  • Research and Community Volunteer, CoachArt (2002-2010)