
Nichola Ribadu, DMFT, MS, LMFT

Nichola Ribadu, DMFT, MS, LMFT

Chair, Counseling and Family Sciences
Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences

Areas: at-risk youth; group homes for at-risk youth; program development; staff development and trainings (group home, managed care, community mental health); community mental health; professional mentoring; narrative therapy; diversity; self-of-therapist
Email: nribadu@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47005

Heather Beeson, DMFT, MA, LMFT

Heather Beeson, DMFT, MA, LMFT

Associate Chair, Counseling and Family Sciences
Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Director, Doctor of Marital and Family Therapy (DMFT) Program

Areas: program evaluation research; program design and development; community mental health; clinical work with sexual and gender minority populations; prevention and early intervention programs; professional mentoring; self-of-the-therapist
Email: hbeeson@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47018

Elizabeth J. James, DMFT, MA, LMFT, LPCC

Elizabeth J. James, DMFT, MA, LMFT, LPCC

Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Coordinator, Marital and Family Therapy MS Online Program

Areas: child and adolescent; pregnancy, prenatal, and postpartum depression; attachment and bonding; family systems; relationship issues; trauma and EMDR; neurodiversity/neurodivergence; behavioral issues; DIR/Floortime and ABA; clinical supervision and mentorship; advancement of marriage and family therapy; person of the therapist
Email: ejames@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47009

Zephon D. Lister, PhD, MS, MA, LMFT

Zephon D. Lister, PhD, MS, MA, LMFT

Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Director, Systems, Families, and Couples PhD Program

Areas: couples and chronic illness; medical family therapy/integrated behavioral health; religion and family functioning; global mental health; low dose interventions for acute and low resource settings
Email: zlister@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47009

Lena Lopez Bradley, PhD, MS, LMFT

Lena Lopez Bradley, PhD, MS, LMFT

Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Director, Marital and Family Therapy MS Program

Areas: couples therapy; at-risk youth; anger management; crisis intervention and trauma; clinical training and supervision; school-based programs; mandated clients; program development
Email: llopezbradley@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47010

Winetta A. Oloo, PhD, MS, LMFT

Winetta A. Oloo, PhD, MS, LMFT

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, School of Behavioral Health
Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences

Areas: recovery-oriented care; clinical supervision; adolescent and transitional-aged youth development; treating severe mental illness
Email: woloo@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 42099

Ashley Park, DMFT, MS, LMFT

Ashley Park, DMFT, MS, LMFT

Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences

Areas: behavioral health integration; chronic illness; stress; grief and loss; attachment; self of the therapist; family systems
Email: aspark1@llu.edu

Alisha Saavedra, MA, CCLS

Alisha Saavedra, MA, CCLS

Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Director of Clinical Training, Child Life Specialist MS Program

Areas: child development; stress and coping in the hospital environment; grief and loss; clinical training and supervision.
Email: asaavedra@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47225

Monique E. Willis, PhD, MS, LMFT

Monique E. Willis, PhD, MS, LMFT

Assistant Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Director of Clinical Training, Marital and Family Therapy Programs

Areas: caregivers and chronic illness; intersectional justice, health equity, and wellness; person of the therapist and self-care; black and brown women's leadership in academia; qualitative research
Email: mwillis@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 81211

Administrative Staff

Veronica Link

Veronica Link

Administrative Assistant

Email: vlink@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-4547, ext. 47003
Office: Griggs Hall, Room 202