
David A. Vermeersch, PhD

David A. Vermeersch, PhD

Chair, Department of Psychology
Professor, Psychology

Areas: psychotherapy outcome; psychotherapy quality management; therapist effects on outcome; effects of therapist/patient feedback on outcome; reducing deterioration in psychotherapy; effectiveness and patient-focused research; outcome test construction
Email: dvermeersch@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-7116

Colleen A. Brenner, PhD

Colleen A. Brenner, PhD

Professor, Psychology
Director of Clinical Training, PhD Program

Areas: serious mental illness (focus on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder); clinical neuropsychology; electroencephalography (EEG); resiliency, self-efficacy, overall health, and well-being in serious mental illness; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
Email: cbrenner@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8617

Hector M. Betancourt, PhD, MA

Hector M. Betancourt, PhD, MA

Distinguished Professor, Psychology

Areas: social, cultural, and health psychology; cognition (attribution)-emotion processes in interpersonal and inter-group behavior; role of culture in psychological processes and behavior; culture, diversity, and behavior in health and social issues; cultural and psychological factors in social inequities and health disparities
Email: hbetancourt@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8708

Maya Boustani, PhD, MS

Maya Boustani, PhD, MS

Associate Professor, Psychology

Areas: child and adolescent evidence-based treatments; mental health prevention and promotion; community-based research; dissemination and implementation research
Email: mboustani@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-7680

Patricia M. Flynn, PhD, MPH

Patricia M. Flynn, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor, Psychology

Areas: cultural and health psychology; health disparities and inequities; cultural and psychological factors in both health behavior and outcome; cultural competence training in graduate medical education; implicit bias in patient-provider clinical interactions
Email: pflynn@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-7738

Richard E. Hartman, PhD

Richard E. Hartman, PhD

Professor, Psychology

Areas: behavioral neuroscience with an emphasis on improving the brain's resiliency against neurodegenerative conditions (e.g., Alzheimer's, stroke, traumatic brain injury) via a variety of therapeutic strategies, but especially diet/nutrition
Email: rhartman@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8709

Kelly R. Morton, PhD, MA

Kelly R. Morton, PhD, MA

Professor, Psychology
Professor, Family Medicine, School of Medicine

Areas: relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), negative emotions, and physical health outcomes; stress and health; social support and health; religion and health; care quality in primary care; primary care psychology; dietary intake and morbidity and mortality
Email: kmorton@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8721

Aarti Nair, PhD, MA

Aarti Nair, PhD, MA

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Areas: autism spectrum disorder; early-onset psychosis; neuroimaging, social cognition; translational neuroscience; pediatric neuropsychology
Email: anair@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8707

Cameron L. Neece, PhD, MA

Cameron L. Neece, PhD, MA

Professor, Psychology

Areas: developmental psychology; childhood disorder (emphasis on intellectual disabilities, autism, and disruptive behavior disorders); parenting and family processes; treatment outcome research (focus on mindfulness approaches)
Email: cneece@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8615

Janet Sonne, PhD, MA

Janet Sonne, PhD, MA

Emeritus Professor, Psychology

Areas: ethical and legal issues in professional practice of clinical psychology (ethical/legal standards; ethical/legal decision-making; therapist misconduct); interpersonal dynamics in the psychotherapy dyad; supervision/consultation; adult and child sexual abuse; adult and adolescent eating disorders; adult and adolescent suicide
Email: jsonne@llu.edu
Phone: 909-214-4327

Tori R. Van Dyk, PhD, MA

Tori R. Van Dyk, PhD, MA

Associate Professor, Psychology

Areas: pediatric health psychology; pediatric health behavior promotion and intervention; sleep; pediatric pain and headache/migraine; child and adolescent mental health; integrated behavioral health
Email: tvandyk@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-7412

Administrative Staff

Lesley Taylor

Lesley Taylor

Senior Administrative Assistant to the Chair
Clinical Training Coordinator

Email: litaylor@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8706
Office: Central Building, Suite 101

Karen Saul

Karen Saul

Senior Administrative Assistant

Email: ksaul@llu.edu
Phone: 909-558-8577
Office: Central Building, Room 106