Brian Distelberg, PhD, MA

Professor, Counseling and Family Sciences
Director of Research, Behavioral Medicine Center

Contact Information

Phone 909-558-4547, ext. 47019

Department of Counseling and Family Sciences
Loma Linda University, Griggs Hall, Office 113
11065 Campus St., Loma Linda, CA 92350


  • PhD - Michigan State University, 2009
  • MA, Marriage and Family Therapy - Western Michigan University, 2005

Areas of Specialization

  • Health
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Translational research
  • Family systems
  • Research methodologies
  • Statistics
  • Multivariate analysis

Current Research Projects

Professional Memberships

  • National Council of Family Relations (NCFR)
  • Family Firm Institute (FFI)
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)

Recent Publications and Presentations


  • Dubov, A., Distelberg, B.J., Abdul-Mutakabiir, J.C., Peteet, B., Roberts, L., Montgomery, S.B., Rockwood, N., Patel, P., Shoptaw, S., & Chrissian, A.A. (2022). Racial/Ethnic Variances in COVID-19 Inoculation among Southern California Healthcare Workers. Vaccines, 10, 1331.
  • Staack, A., Distelberg, B. Moldovan, C., Belay, R. & Sabate, J. (2022). The impact of caffeine intake on mental health symptoms in postmenopausal females with overactive bladder symptoms: A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Journal of Women’s Health, 31(6): 819-825.
  • Dubov, A., Distelberg, B., Abdul-Mutakabbir, J.C., Beeson, W.L., Loo, L.K., Montgomery, S.B., Oyoyo, U.E., Patel, P., Peteet, B., Shoptaw, S., Tavakoli, S., Chrissian, A.A., (2021). Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers in Southern California: Not Just: “Anti” vs. “Pro” vaccines. Vaccines, 9, (1428).
  • Taylor, S.D., Stahl, M., & Distelberg, B. (2021). The spiritual perspective scale-family version (SPS-FV): A tool for assessing perceptions of spirituality within families. Journal of Family and Consumer Science. 113(2): 50-61. DOI:
  • Distelberg, B., Castronova, M., Tapanes, D., Allen, J. and Puder, D. (2021), Evaluation of the Healthcare Cost Offsets of Mend: A family systems mental health integration approach. Fam. Proc., 60: 331-345.
  • Castronova, M., Distelberg, B., & Wilson, C., (2021): The Marital Selflessness Scale: A Relational Assessment Tool for Couples Therapy, The American Journal of Family Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/01926187.2020.1867930.
  • Dubov, A., Ogunbajo, A., Altice, F., Fraenkel, L., Distelberg, B. (2020). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the PrEP Sex Expectancies (PSEXS) Scale. AIDS and Behavior
  • Reibling ET, Distelberg B, Guptill M, Hernandez BC. (2020). Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Physicians. J Prim Care Community Health. doi: 10.1177/2150132720965077. PMID: 33078671.
  • Williams-Reade, JM., Tapanes, D., Distelberg, B., Montgomery, S., (2020). Pediatric chronic illness management: A qualitative dyadic analysis of adolescent patient and parent illness narratives. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 46(1) doi: 10.111/jmft.12377.
  • Marie-Mitchell, A., Watkins, HBR, Copado, IA, Distelberg, B., (2020). Use of the whole child assessment to identify children at risk of poor outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104: doi:
  • Distelberg, B., Castronova, M., Tapanes, D., Allen, J. & Puder, D., (2020). Evaluation of the healthcare cost offsets of MEND: A family systems mental health integration approach. Family Process. Doi: 10.1111/famp.12564.
  • Stephenson, J., Distelberg, B., Morton, K.R., Ortiz, L., & Montgomery, S.B. (2019). Different depression treatment recommendations and adherence for Spanish and English speaking patients. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 32(6) 904-912. Doi:
  • Wang, S. S. & Distelberg, B. (2019). Impressions of personal health among collegians: What relationships and faith factors predict health related quality of life among college students? College Student Journal, 12, 252-263.
  • Williams-Reade, JM., Tapanes, D., Distelberg, B., Montgomery, S., (2019). Pediatric chronic illness management: A qualitative dyadic analysis of adolescent patient and parent illness narratives. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 46(1) doi: 10.111/jmft.12377.


  • Distelberg, B., & Hustzi, H., (2020). Integrating Medical and Psychosocial Needs. Children’s Hospital Association: Behavioral Health Summit. February, 2020. Columbus OH.
  • Distelberg, B., (2019). Overview of the MEND outpatient program. CCHA Behavioral Health Member Forum. California Children’s Hospital Association. October, 2019, La Jolla California.
  • Distelberg, B., (2019). MEND: A multi-dimensional family systems approach to pediatric chronic illness. Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Health. Annual Conference. August.

Community Engagement

  • Faculty Scholar, Institute for Health Policy (2016-present)
  • Chairperson for Knowledge Education for Your Success (KEYS), 501(c)(3) (2011-present)