Learn more about what's happening in the School of Behavioral Health.
New PRACTIC Center, Trauma Team service in Egypt, Camp Good Grief, TRUCKY scholarships, new faculty, and more.
First graduates from our CFS dual-degree program, EmPATH units, new SBH Writing Center, new religious and spiritual competencies for clinical trainees, and more.
Department of Psychology and SBH host WPA 2023, $3-million MSW grant, new community-based student training clinic, new faculty, and more.
Grants supporting community health workers and Sickle Cell patients, alumna publishes educational storybook, alumnus testifies before California State Senate, expansion of SBH facilities, and more.
New research website, vaccine clinic, SHOPS program, Child Life Fellowships, online MFT MS program, impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable youth, and more.
Commencement 2020, Behavioral Health Summer Academy, new scholarship program, and more.
Statement on racial violence and discrimination, COVID-19 and mental health, Sierra Leone, and more.
Commencement 2019, Pony Clinic, Mental Health Pipeline Program, MEND program expansion, and more.
Trauma Team teaches resiliency skills in wake of Paradise Camp Fire, Child Life in Mexico, R01 grant, MEND in Chicago, and more.
Commencement 2018, new Samoa internship site, Trauma Team in St. Maarten, first student enrolls in healthcare experiences training program, and more.
Operation Fit, NAMI Walk, SBH hosts health disparities summer interns, Social Work department hosts mayors, Lobby Days, and more.
Child Life in China, Phi Alpha chapter wins 4 national honors society awards, research on adolescent self-harm, alumna becomes first child life fellow at LLUCH, and more.
$2.4 million HRSA grant, Trauma Team in Sierra Leone and Nepal, service to Afghan refugees in Turkey, the potential benefits of pomegranates, and more.
First annual celebration of alumni, visit from Osaka Jikei College, AMEN free health clinic, SBH holiday drives, and more.
Dr. Hartman presents TBI research in China, family resource fair, Commencement 2015, CFS student research conference, and more.
SIMS trip to Honduras, Child Life in Bolivia, students volunteer at Ronald McDonald House, CFS family picnic, student's mission experience in Belize, and more.
Trauma Team brings resiliency to Philippines and St. Vincent, BLUE Christmas, students present at Society for Neuroscience conference, Judy Rynearson retires, and more.
SIMS trips to India and Cameroon, Commencement 2014, Drs. Lindsey and Jackson present on cultural competence, Vision 2020, and more.
Life story of Todd Burley, BHI Shares, Project CHANGE, Psychology hosts Brain Bee, final Canadian University College MFT graduation, SIMS trip to Sri Lanka, and more.
Welcome from the Dean, Sherman Indian High School trainings, black men's health fair, new certificate in play therapy, and more.