Securing a child life internship is not only a rigorous process, but for many it involves the potential need to relocate to anywhere within the United States. The Association of Child Life Professionals (ACLP) Diversity Scholarship program was developed in response to the need for supporting students from diverse backgrounds as they fulfill these requirements. We'd like to extend a special congratulations to Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health student Christian Hetzler, one of the Summer 2020 recipients of this scholarship!
Christian is a second-year Child Life Specialist MS student who completed his practicum training experience in the Acute Care pediatric unit at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. He has since transitioned to a clinical internship placement at UC San Diego Health. The program at UCSD Health provides child life services to children being treated in the burn and trauma center, in addition to providing support for children of patients who are hospitalized or receiving palliative care. The diversity scholarship will provide Christian with $5,000, to be disbursed throughout the course of his internship.
The generosity from ACLP has not only supported me, but also helped lift the financial burden I'd otherwise have to place upon my family. Now, instead of having to worry about the cost of my living expenses, I can devote all of my focus to providing quality, family-centered care for all of the patients and families at UCSD Health and to further developing my skills as an aspiring child life specialist!
–Christian Hetzler