Are you a mental health clinician who provides treatment to victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse?
Your knowledge and clinical skills in the needs, assessment, and treatment of victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse are highly valuable and needed in research. You may be eligible to participate in a one-on-one 60 to 90-minute Zoom interview.
We are inviting mental health clinicians in the United States of America to partake in a one-on-one Zoom interview to understand the needs, assessments, and treatment of victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse. Narcissistic abuse refers to any form of abuse inflicted by a narcissist including but not limited to emotional, physical, sexual, or financial abuse. The aim of this needs assessment is to identify the knowledge and clinical skills recommended by clinicians who treat victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse, in order to identify some needs, assessments, and treatment practices that can guide LMFTs in treating this population. This study has been approved as a Needs Assessment by the Loma Linda University IRB (#5220057).
You may qualify if...
- You are a clinician currently practicing and licensed in the United States of America for one of the following degrees:
- PhD or PsyD in Clinical Psychology
- You are a clinician who has competent, proficient, or expert level of knowledge and clinical skills in treating victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse
- You have treated or are currently treating at least 6 primary narcissistic abuse cases within the past year of practice
If you agree to participate in this study you will take part in a 60 to 90-minute confidential and recorded virtual Zoom interview scheduled at your earliest convenience. This is not an evaluation of your knowledge, but a valuable opportunity to add to the body of research focused on helping victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse and the therapists that treat them. Participants will be paid a lump sum of $50 for attending the interview. Premature withdrawal from the interview process will not reduce the compensation amount.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating:
- Click here in order to:
- Complete and sign informed consent
- Complete demographic questionnaire
- Email the Student Investigator at SShalchianPourkhaljan@students.llu.edu with any questions