Hailey Arellano
Hailey Arellano
The Systems, Families, and Couples PhD program has been a life-changing experience for me. Faculty and administrative staff are so supportive of clinical growth as well as advancement in scientific practices. They are truly dedicated to whole-person healing and I feel blessed to learn alongside them.
Amanda Saddlemire, MA
Amanda Saddlemire, MA
The School of Behavioral Health's emphasis on whole person and integrated care is evident and actively put to practice throughout the variety of experiences and specialties offered. Although the courses and clinical placements are rigorous, they are well supported by knowledgeable faculty and supervisors. This support is one of the many reasons why I feel fortunate to be receiving my doctoral training at Loma Linda University. The guidance and instruction offered in the Department of Psychology has greatly prepared me for becoming a well-rounded clinician in our diverse communities.
Leslie Alvarez
Leslie Alvarez
This program allowed me to work with community health workers on various initiatives to promote evidence-based practices and wellness tools for sustainable and accessible mental health treatment. These experiences made me a trained Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® guide and mental health professional who is modifying CRM for low-resource and Hispanic communities as my thesis project. I am blessed to work with a department that supports students in these types of endeavors as well as in becoming Licensed Clinical Social Workers.
Jennifer Lam
Jennifer Lam
Loma Linda University's Child Life Specialist master's program embodies holistic care. From the supportive faculty members to the enriching curriculum, students are challenged to learn and grow academically, professionally, and personally. I'm beyond appreciative of all the opportunities granted by LLU as I become more confident in advocating for children and families faced with healthcare disparities and for myself.
Cherice Alce
Cherice Alce
Being a part of the Marital and Family Therapy MS program at Loma Linda University has been an incredibly transformative and rewarding experience. The program offers an opportunity to develop a systemic understanding of human behavior and relational dynamics. The supportive community and collaborative learning environment have been invaluable, fostering personal growth and deepening my understanding of myself as both a clinician and an individual.
Isabella Acosta-Segura
Isabella Acosta-Segura
The dual master's in Social Work and Criminal Justice has given me the tools to harness my passion for change, specifically in working with populations most at risk by overwhelming systematic interactions, such as those interacting with the justice system. Eventually I hope to work collaboratively for change towards a more equitable and compassionate system, where our clients are truly seen for who they are rather than what they did. The MSW/CJ degree allowed me, a lifelong learner, to feel like I found my people.
Diana Marin, MA
Diana Marin, MA
I am truly grateful to be part of the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Loma Linda University. The faculty genuinely want to see the students succeed and I feel genuinely cared for. My experience thus far has been a dream come true.
Miranda Gustuson
Miranda Gustuson
I began my journey at Loma Linda University in the Marital and Family Therapy MS program and have continued my academic growth in the DMFT program. The DMFT program has allowed me to grow in my professional and academic development in ways I never knew possible. Each student has the opportunity to work creatively towards their passions. This is made possible by the amazingly supportive faculty.
Kristen Hackett
Kristen Hackett
Loma Linda University is the standard for what effective education should be. They offer personalized classes with personable and educated faculty, healthcare that includes mental health resources for students, as well as fun and innovative events to satisfy students' social needs. LLU really does offer a unique experience "to make man whole."
Elyse Cyphers
Elyse Cyphers
As a Loma Linda University online MSW student, I am gaining excellent clinical skills and practical, real-world experience through a rigorous curriculum and comprehensive training. The program has enabled me to develop valuable relationships with faculty as well as on-campus and online students across the state. I am grateful to be part of an outstanding program that truly embodies the university's vision of transforming lives through education, healthcare and research.
Mariz Cruz
Mariz Cruz
As a DSW student at Loma Linda University, the online program gives me the flexibility to continue to work as a medical social worker while completing my doctoral degree. The professors provide a supportive learning environment as well as the guidance I need to become a clinical leader in the profession.
Geraldine Pirdy
Geraldine Pirdy
Through collaboration and education from the Drug and Alcohol Counseling Certificate program, I've learned to factor in the varying aspects of substance use disorders in helping clients and members of their relational systems. Both faculty and fellow students are compassionate in their roles of walking with clients through the recovery process.
Anne Leah D. Guía
Anne Leah D. Guía
The Play Therapy Certificate program at Loma Linda University helped me understand how to work with children and families. As an early childhood educator, I wanted to see how theories of play and play therapy intersected, and how play could support children going through difficult times in their lives. LLU's program enhanced my understanding of children, youth, and behavioral health, and how to guide young ones toward wholeness.